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NSD 511 Nutrition Education

NSD 683 Medical Nutrition Therapy

NSD 512 Nutrition Counseling

NSD 600 Quantity Food Experience

In Quantity Foods, one of the assignments was to develop a one month menu for a kindergarden through sixth grade elementary school using the new school lunch guidelines that were implemented this past September. Below are links to my menu, and a short presentation on the new guidelines, along with my menu analysis.

After completing Nutrition Counseling at SU, I received a Certification in Lifestyles Nutrition Counseling. That document certified that I completed the course with a grade of a B or higher. In nutrition counseling, I learned all of the concepts of motivational interviewing and practiced my skills extensively. I counseled a client upon completing the course, below is some of what my client had to say about me in the client counselor feedback survey. 

Upon completion of my master's degree, I will have completed two semesters of Medical Nutrition Therapy. In MNT we complete various case studies related to nutrition related diseases. Below is a link to the most recent case study that I have completed.

In Nutrition Education I developed and implemented an education curriculum for parents of infants with three fellow classmates. The parents attended a one hour session that discussed infant feeding and growth cycle, they all had their infant enrolled in the daycare facility at Syracuse University. We conducted a needs assessments, research, and an evaluation. We developed hands on activities and held a discussion at the end of the session.  

NSD 666 Metabolism

In metabolism, one of my assignments was to research a topic of interest, analyze a research article from a published journal and present a 20 minute PowerPoint presentation on my findings. Below are links to my paper and presentation.

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